"Я не собираюсь менять мир, я просто хочу перевязать вам раны..." Ян Андерсон

I Don't Want to Be Me

I Don't Want to Be Me

Got a grand house out in the country.
Marble pillars holding the door.
Empty bottles lining the wall from the night before.
Got a Roller out in the garage.
But the wheels are stuck to the floor.
Got no reason to go anywhere no friends call anymore.
I don't want to be me, I don't want to be me,
I know it's hard to see, But I don't want to be me.

Had me playing down at the palace.
I was declared the belle of the ball.
Made the boys take my goods and chattels away
now I'm staring at an empty hall.
I don't want to be me.

Pardon me I'm on my way.
Pardon me but I'm going.
Taking on the simple life and I feel the grass roots growing.
I'm going to ride the ragged road
diamond spurs jangling into the sunset.
No circuits running overload Well maybe I'm not done yet.

Now there's nothing left in the cupboard
and three bears' been eating my soup.
My life is one big critical mess if you take a look.
And the butler's off in Ibiza on expense account gone berserk.
But I can't check out of this crazy world
without being a jerk I don't want to be me.



День рождения (1947 г., Экокс Грин, Бирмингем, Великобритания) Дэйва Пегга (Dave Pegg), бас-гитариста (1979—1994) Jethro Tull

День рождения (1946 г., Kings Heath, Бирмингем, Уэст-Мидлендс, Великобритания) Мартина Ланселота Барра (Martin Lancelot Barre), гитариста Jethro Tull

День памяти (1979 г., Лондон, Великобритания, 28 лет) Джона Глэскока (John Glascock), бас-гитариста (1976—1979) Jethro Tull

22 ноября 1993 года вышел двойной CD-сборник редких и ранее не издававшихся композиций Jethro Tull - Nightcap: The Unreleased Masters 1973–1991

День рождения (1946 г., Лутон, Великобритания) Клайва Банкера (Clive Bunker), барабанщика (1967—1970) Jethro Tull


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