"Я не собираюсь менять мир, я просто хочу перевязать вам раны..." Ян Андерсон

Lights Out

Lights Out

Last light's out
They're all abed
And something's in my room
Creeping down towards me on the wall

Daddy said it's just some flickering
headlight through the gloom
Making shapes through trees outside the hall

But what the hell does he know?
He doesn't feel the dread
The cold restricting terror in the dark

I've seen that silhouette before
Something the newsman said
Something about some monster in the park

It's you, you're the man on the TV screen
It's you front page face of the dead
Locked up in the light of day
At night come out to play
To terrorize me there above my bed

The air is still and heavy now
There's thunder in the sky
He's dreaming up some message he can send

I'm scared completely helpless
and I think I'm going to cry
Are grownups brave or do they just pretend?

His face is growing clearer
I can see his eyes glow red
My teddy bear's the only friend I can feel

The shadow's hand slips down the wall
And touches teddy's head
I now suspect that shadow will touch me


Repeat chorus

It's you...

11 февраля 1977 года был выпущен десятый студийный альбом Jethro Tull - Songs from the Wood

10 марта 1972 года - выпуск пятого студийного альбома Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

19 марта 1971 года был выпущен четвёртый студийный альбом Jethro Tull - Aqualung

День рождения (1948 г., Блэкпул, Великобритания) Джона Ивэна (John Evan), клавишника (1970—1979) Jethro Tull

День рождения (1943 г., Лутон, Великобритания) Мика Абрахамса (Mick Abrahams), гитариста и вокалиста (1967 — 1968) Jethro Tull


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