"Я не собираюсь менять мир, я просто хочу перевязать вам раны..." Ян Андерсон



They left me, leaving my house on fire, me running round
got out through the window.
While clinging to the skirts of fate
was not my idea of fun
I'll jump to it gladly.
The town was filled with smoke and hate.
Came to my senses just too late
to realize that all I ever owned
was borrowed.  I thanked them for having shown
me that nothing ever really belongs to anyone.

They burned my books and they broke my car,
and gave the dog to a man who used him for breeding.
They felled my trees and they tramped flowers and threw
the kitten into my new pool.
The same things done to other men had made them run away from the city.
This being the case, I joined them there and breathing air spent
the night with these new friends.



День рождения (1946 г., Блэкпул, Великобритания) Джеффри Хаммонда (Jeffrey Hammond), бас-гитариста (1970—1975) Jethro Tull

День рождения (1947 г., Данфермлин, Файф, Шотландия) Иэна Андерсона (Ian Anderson)

День рождения (1952 г., Миннеаполис, штат Миннесота, США) Марка Крэйни (Mark Craney), барабанщика (1979—1981) Jethro Tull

День памяти (2014 г., Hilo, Гавайи) Гленна Корника (Glenn Cornick), бас-гитариста (1967—1970) Jethro Tull

1 сентября 1980 года в США вышел тринадцатый студийный альбом Jethro Tull - A


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