"Я не собираюсь менять мир, я просто хочу перевязать вам раны..." Ян Андерсон

Sparrow On The Schoolyard Wall

Sparrow On The Schoolyard Wall

You want to be a bookworm? You wanna be aloof?
You wanna sit in judgement, looking down from the roof?
Try a wee sensation: but first you have to want to join in.
You should be, should be raging down the freeway
with some friends from the mall.
Don't stay forever in your limbo: fly before you fall
little sparrow on the schoolyard wall.

So dress a little dangerous and modify your walk.
There's nothing wrong with sparrows, but try
to be a sparrowhawk.
Hunting in the evening and floating in the heat in the day.
You might, might acquire some predatory instinct.
Do the wolf pack crawl.
Don't stay forever in your limbo: fly before you fall
little sparrow on the schoolyard wall.

Well, I don't want to be your daddy.
Don't want to be your engineer of sin.
And I don't want to play the piper here.
I'm only banging on a mandolin
and anyway, you're just a little sparrow
on the schoolyard wall.

There's nothing wrong with learning. Nothing wrong
with your books.
So exercise some judgement. Too much broth can spoil the cook.
Feel a little sensation and know when it's time to join in.
You should be, should be raging down the freeway
with some friends from the mall.
Don't stay forever in your limbo: fly before you fall
little sparrow on the schoolyard wall.



День рождения (1946 г., Блэкпул, Великобритания) Джеффри Хаммонда (Jeffrey Hammond), бас-гитариста (1970—1975) Jethro Tull

День рождения (1947 г., Данфермлин, Файф, Шотландия) Иэна Андерсона (Ian Anderson)

День рождения (1952 г., Миннеаполис, штат Миннесота, США) Марка Крэйни (Mark Craney), барабанщика (1979—1981) Jethro Tull

День памяти (2014 г., Hilo, Гавайи) Гленна Корника (Glenn Cornick), бас-гитариста (1967—1970) Jethro Tull

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